The road to wellness begins with/starts from your genetic predispositions. Improve the quality of your life with our tailored projects and genetic test
Do you wish to take better care of your health and prevent many common illnesses or improve your physical appearance?
We want to help you achieve your goals.
We build a personalized path for you that respects your genetics predispositions and biotype.
Discover some of our goals for you. OBJECTIVES
Knowing yourself is the first giant step towards wellness.
Well Genetics has developed several exclusive and customized tests according to specific needs. TEST
Do you need to correct intestinal disorder discomforts and pre-empt the risk of many degenerative diseases?
Take the test to learn the composition and health status of your Intestinal Microbiota. INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA INTESTINAL METABOLOME
In biology, there is no good or bad, only balance.
Find it again with us!
Learn more about Well Genetics. ABOUT US
The wide range of DNA tests, developed by our doctors and professors are designed with the purpose and the motto “Improve your life”.
According to specific needs, Well Genetics has developed several exclusive and customized tests.
Well Genetics develops projects that guide the client to a healthy lifestyle through food plans, training plans, circadian rhythms anagement, and much more.
Our tests are developed to help people understand their potential or genetic weaknesses in order to provide the tools to achieve a better, healthier and probably even longer and disease-free life.
A genetic test is “for life”, and the knowledge you get from a genetic analysis will positively influence your future lifestyle decisions.